Welcome to FASTechnologies, Corp.

“Without data its just another opinion”

At FASTechnologies, drill room efficiency is our business. Our products eliminate scrap before it happens. Now you can monitor and increase your drill room performance, detecting problems before time is lost and money wasted.

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SmartParts  “Perfect Drilling Made Simple”

If you are looking for maximum efficiencies, look no further than our Smart Parts Classic. This is the most powerful automation tool for a drill room ever offered. You will immediately see a reduction in set-up time and scrap, while reducing the need for operator input. And because Smart Parts automatically manages the feed and speeds, every job will be drilled correctly.

Real-Time Scaling


SmartParts scaling – Automatically scale/shift/stretch the drill file with actual scaling factors, based on X-ray machine output and according to factory unique definition.


Automatic scaling on the shop floor will save time and cost, improve effectively by reducing product waiting time, shorten product delivery, reduce customer complaints, and improve customer satisfaction.


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